Since social media has entered our lives, we have not only begun to become more involved with our phones. Social media has changed many things in our lives and continues to change. Especially with the increase in the commercial success of social media management companies, social media prepares the ground for the emergence of brand new professions. We can even easily say that it has already led to the development of some professions.Önerilen İçerikler:
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The unique dynamics of social media platforms have created a virtual ecosystem, and this ecosystem continues to evolve over time. Social media usage is increasing day by day and new expertise is needed to meet the increasing needs. In this article, you can learn about new professions that social media has introduced into our lives; You can further your career by specializing in these promising professions.
Content Management
Social Media Management has become a necessity for almost all companies. As the success of companies that share on the platforms where their target audiences spend the most time, quickly respond to the questions of their followers and effectively promote their products or services on social media, content management becomes a determining factor. Although text production comes to mind when it comes to content management, social media content management can be defined as a more complicated concept. Content management, which includes determining the social media strategies of companies, determining which text content, which images and videos will be shared, and even target audience analysis, is rapidly spreading. Content managers who work within digital marketing and advertising agencies or serve as freelancers can earn high income if they are successful in their work.
One of the professions that come to the fore due to the concepts that enter our lives with social media and the money it earns is influencer. Influencers with a high number of followers, appreciated for their shares and loved by their target audience at the level of fanaticism can earn very serious figures on a monthly basis. The increase in the number of companies that want to reach their target audience through influencers and the effectiveness of Influencer marketing make it possible for people with a high number of followers to gain fame in a short time. Sometimes this period becomes so short that influencers can sit on the agenda of the country and even the world within a day. Especially the phenomena that meet with the target audiences in fashion, make-up and games have a great impact on the masses. Some of them have the chance to increase their earnings by supporting their social media careers, which started with phenomena, by opening their own companies and producing special products for their target audiences.
Social Media Expertise
The most important profession that comes into our lives with social media platforms is undoubtedly social media expertise. Social media expertise, which is being evaluated within the scope of the Turkish Professions Dictionary, is a complicated profession that requires more than one qualification. Although the number of people who do their job with competent people is quite limited, people who are experts in the field of social media management can earn a lot of money from their work and the social media accounts they manage. Social media expertise, where the minimum education level is determined as a bachelor's degree, brings various responsibilities. Social media experts, who have various tasks such as positioning brands in the digital environment, determining sharing strategies, analyzing their competitors, and following the trends of the target audience, increase the awareness of brands in the digital world and improve their brand image.