The concepts of UI and UX have definitely caught on to our ears. Is this a secret language belonging to the people who steer the technology of the future with their fit suits, or design gurus who insist on jeans and black turtlenecks on the plaza floors, in the streets of technology capitals? Or are these people just using such terms to look cool? (Probably the second)

In the marketing industry dominated by acronyms and professional jargon, it is surprising that everyone can understand what experts are talking about. Terms such as ROI, CRO, CRM, and SEO populate marketing-related content, and many of these terms are often mistakenly used interchangeably.

If you want to know exactly what UX and UI mean, how one differs from the other, and how they relate, you've come to the right place. First of all, let's start by defining the terms we talked about briefly;

UX (User Experience); It is the internal / psychological experience of a user while interacting with a product or service.

UI (User Interface); Icons, buttons, screens, etc., with which a user interacts. is a series of visual elements such as.

We can now dive deeper into the subject.

UX (User Experience) - What is User Experience?

UX is the psychological experience of a person interacting with every aspect of a business's product or service. UX designs the experience of all contact points such as product, brand, service. It is an emotional state building. In some cases; You don't even need to be a user to get an idea of ​​the user experience offered by a product or service. The position of the brand, the position of the product and service in its own category, and even the comparison with its competitors can give you an idea. Probably none of the people reading this article have ever used a Bugatti Veyron in their life, but you can imagine what it would be like to be in the seat. It is the user experience to plan the contact points that the customer should contact about the product, service or brand during and after the entire journey to purchase, and his experience and affect at these contact points.

The digital world is considered a little more under the heading of usability. Among the websites or mobile applications you use, there are definitely those that force you. You can get bored when you don't complete a transaction or can't find the information you're looking for. The importance of UX is to improve such experiences so that users can find the information they're looking for or interact with the items they need seamlessly.

UX isn't just exclusive for digital experiences. Many people mistake the concept of UX as only valid for digital platforms. UX can be applied in any area where the product and the customer come into contact with each other. Just think of a bottle of ketchup. Your user experience with this product includes the advertisements you see, advertising slogans, purchasing channels, price policy, taste, bottle design, nutritional values ​​and all other touch points I cannot count. The psychological and emotional experience you get at each contact point establishes a bond with the product and the brand. User experience is the planning of this effect.

UI (User Interface) - What is a User Interface?

Interface design is the design of the user's contact points to serve the goals during the planned journey with the UX. UX is the planning of the route, and the UI is the use of design for a smooth and efficient journey.
Returning to the ketchup bottle example we gave above; The design of the logo of the bottle, product or brand, and the design of the cap can be considered as UI areas. The sole purpose of all designs in these areas will be to serve UX goals.

Differences Between User Experience and User Interface Concepts

Kullanıcı Deneyimi ve Kullanıcı Arayüzü Kavramları Arasındaki Farklar

Perhaps the difference between the two disciplines has begun to become clear in your mind. Then, if you're ready, we're going back to the initial ketchup bottle example;Kullanıcı Deneyimi ve Kullanıcı Arayüzü Kavramları Arasındaki Farklar

How Do User Experience Designers Work?

User Experience designers consider the end-to-end experience of a product or service. They plan the experience for the entire journey, from the moment the user enters the ketchup aisle in the store to the moment they sprinkle it on their favorite food. UX designers reflect on human-centric design principles to make the experience feel as smooth and seamless as possible.

How Do User Interface Designers Work?

The focal points of UI designers are the aesthetic and visual elements of the experience with a product or service. UI designers use visual-centric design principles to develop mock-ups, graphics, designs, and layouts focused on the visual interface that a user will interact with to complete their goals.

Steps Used for UX and UI Design

UX ve UI Tasarımı İçin Kullanılan Adımlar

Why Do We Need to Know All This?

Although you have heard these words from the mouths of digital marketing industry professionals, Ux and UI concepts affect the success of each product. Before the intensive content production of the digital world, these words were spoken by the professionals of the industrial world. Concepts weren't as common either, as the people who spoke this at the time weren't as cool.

Every product and service manufacturer, every merchant or entrepreneur should think about UX and UI, whether the product is digital or physical. In the years when inflation was very severe in our country, there was no need to talk about such concepts. Because at that time, financial power determined the success of a product. In this time of relatively low inflation, every product can survive with operational profitability. Operational profitability brings competitors. The best thing you can do in an environment where products are so diverse and easily accessible; By analyzing your target audience and your competitors, it will detect the problems experienced during usage. Products that provide intuitive use among such competitors and provide a cleaner experience than their competitors will win.