The effect of smartphones on our daily life is increasing, and this effect is reflected in the preference of mobile applications. Thanks to mobile applications that play a big role in our daily life, we can solve our jobs quickly and comfortably; We can shop within seconds and access the highest quality content. Consequently, many businesses join the caravan of those who establish closer relationships with their target audiences by using the power of mobile applications. What if a website could provide a mobile application experience? Could such a thing be possible? Let's go into some details about PWA together.
What is PWA?
The term PWA stands for Progressive Web App. It means "progressive web application". PWA, which is created from web technologies such as HTML, CSS and JavaScript as we all know, but has the functionality to rival a real mobile application; It can be defined as a web application that allows web users to combine both mobile application and web functions and offers a mobile application experience.
Progressive web applications are websites at their core. However, since they have a modern technology, they look like a mobile application, provide a mobile application experience, and more importantly, offer the comfort of mobile applications to their users. Moreover, they are used not only in mobile devices but also in desktop and laptop computers.
PWAs can be downloaded just like mobile applications, they can send notifications and warnings to users, moreover, they do not require online for all these functions. In other words, they can work even without an internet connection!
The biggest difference from the mobile application is that they can work on different devices. They have a responsive structure; sizes differ in line with the smart devices they are operated on Their aim is always to provide the best user experience.
Why is PWA Technology Necessary?
More than one answer can be given to this question; Progressive web applications have many advantages for both businesses and users. The first notable PWA advantages can be listed as follows:
Economical Compared to Mobile Applications
While mobile applications need to be developed separately for different platforms such as Google Play and Apple Store, PAWs are developed only once. This process provides faster results and is economically relaxing. Moreover, they do not need to be updated. If a general comparison is made, it can be said that the PWA costs are approximately one third of the mobile application costs.
Quick Setup is Available
Unlike standard mobile applications, PWAs do not have long and complicated installation processes. In this sense, they improve the user experience. These web applications, which can be accessed through various platforms, especially search engines, can be deleted as easily as they are downloaded.
No Update Required
PWAs have a specific function that allows users to update automatically without notifying and disturbing permission requests. These web applications update themselves when visited, thus eliminating the need to download and upload batch changes. However, some of the manufacturers of progressive apps can send push notifications to inform users about the arrival of a new update.
Working Offline Opportunity
Apart from the lack of internet connection, connecting to networks where security problems may occur can also endanger internet users. PWAs are web applications that can work offline, allowing users to record the information and pages previously accessed. Especially for companies operating in the retail sector, this function that creates awareness in their customers is of great importance!
Increases Conversion
PWAs significantly increase the transformation into brands thanks to the functions they have. Their ability to provide a mobile application experience, to be prepared for the user experience, to be used offline and to save them symbolically on the home screen makes it easier to establish bridges between companies and existing or potential customers. Moreover, thanks to the ability to send notifications, this bridge becomes increasingly robust.
Benefits of PWA to Companies
The specific features of PWAs, which are normal websites but create the impression of a traditional mobile application for users, provide certain advantages for companies. As a result of the researches, it is shown that PWAs offer many advantages for companies. In this direction, the prominent benefits can be listed as follows:
Thanks to the progressive web applications;
• The mobile traffic of companies increased by 68%,
• The conversion rate has increased by 52%,
• 78% increase in the number of sessions,
• The bounce rate decreased by 42.86% compared to websites,
• It was found that the page views increased by 133.67%.
Productivity for companies and great comfort for users; It looks like there will be a fierce competition between mobile apps and PWAs in the future.