Just as websites are the intersection point of all digital marketing strategies, content marketing is the backbone of all digital marketing strategies, especially websites. Original and quality content directly affects the success of social media management studies and the visibility of websites in search engines.
If you haven't implemented content marketing, the importance of which has begun to be understood recently, we hope to trigger you to take action by sharing an important data with you.
Apple, which is among the most respected and most profitable companies in the world, plans to invest 1 billion dollars for content production that reflects original and brand value. This information alone reveals the fact that content marketing is promising.
"Why, why even a huge company like Apple investing $1 billion in content marketing?"
The answer is actually very simple; Apple also needs innovative content that reflects its brand value, attracts the attention of its target audience, is original, conveys the messages in the most accurate way. By the way, not only Apple but also Google needs original content. Facebook should not be overlooked, it is not possible to ignore Amazon either...
"What we say is that the world's giants are always chasing the same strategy, originalization in content."
Speaking of content marketing, we would like to remind you that this field is quite broad. Content marketing is not just about the content written on websites, it is the language that brands use in all channels they communicate with their target audiences; It does not change the result of communication through images or videos. Content is the most effective method used to gain customer loyalty in different ways.
Suggested Reading : The Cornerstones of Content Marketing
Budgets Allocated for Content Marketing Increasingly
A recent worldwide research has revealed that company budgets allocated for content marketing have increased, especially in Asia and the USA. The picture is similar across the world. However, as the details of the research are examined, it has been obtained that these investments increase on a periodic basis. Although it is undeniable that the importance of content marketing is understood, making these investments for periodical projects cannot ensure that the importance of content marketing is fully understood.
Most companies, unfortunately, still approach content marketing as an advertising tool. Because they do not broaden their perspectives, they fail to understand that content marketing is a special way to differentiate itself from competitors in every sense. Since the content marketing activities that they started during the launch of a new product or service do not continue, brands cannot increase their awareness sufficiently and cannot reach their goals of gaining customer loyalty.
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Continuity Makes a Difference in Content Marketing
In order for a company to reach its target audience with its content and become able to interact with them, it must ensure continuity in its content marketing strategies. With consistently published original content, companies can reveal their corporate culture, respect for their customers and innovative visions. Whatever their differences are, they can increase their success by focusing on that area and increase their share of the sectoral pie.
Maintaining the continuity of the content strategy does not have the slack that company officials can do between day-to-day work. Those who really want to embark on this path should delegate their content marketing to a professional team.
Managing content marketing by a separate unit in the company or getting support from professionals who are experts in this field leads to more accurate determination of content strategies. Although company officials determine their marketing strategies, keeping the pulse of consumers requires a whole lot of effort. Experts who take timely action can harness the power of content on the very topics that may be of interest. A content team that stays in touch with all units of the company and works in coordination with team leaders will offer companies the opportunity to make a difference over time.
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