As the potential of e-commerce makes its weight felt in the world of commerce, the support provided by the state in this area increases. Thanks to the E-Export Campaign launched in June 2018, the opportunities of the manufacturer were increased; Those who are indecisive about the transition to e-commerce are being mobilized.
With the time left until 2023; A brand new mobilization has been declared in order to reach export targets. Turkey's export target of $ 500 billion on behalf of the approach; Supports of the Ministry of Economy, cooperation of TOBB; The E-Commerce Mobilization project was launched with the contributions of Vakıfbank and Halkbank.
The main purpose of the project is to have never exported in a commercial life; To encourage the entrepreneurs who do not know the export procedures to export. Thus, Turkey's imports - exports to improve the balance and to raise the share of exports of SMEs! Collective Membership Support to E-Commerce Sites was implemented within the project in order to achieve all these goals.
What is Mass Membership Support to E-Commerce Sites?
In this support program launched to enable companies that want to promote their products on online platforms to find customers on a global basis ; memberships, the world's leading e-commerce site, will be supported. If companies that are members of TOBB's chambers and exchanges wish to become a member of the site, TOBB will undertake the pre-financing of the membership fee. Afterwards, 80% of the membership fee will be paid by the Ministry of Economy; Within this campaign, 20% of which will be covered by Vakıfbank and Halkbank; Companies that want to export will be able to advertise in global markets without paying any fees. Who want to do e-export; Companies that want to introduce themselves to thousands of companies around the world with their products and increase their earnings will appear on with the advantage of free membership.
The Potential of E-Commerce Is Rising
E-commerce not only in Turkey; It is increasing rapidly around the world. While domestic and international purchases revive the world economy; Companies that exist on global platforms increase their chances of exporting many times over. E-export, which allows producers to communicate directly with their customers abroad; e-commerce that transcends borders is considered as a serious potential for developing countries.
E-export has been rising rapidly in recent years; projected market value of up to 3.4 trillion dollars by 2020, not export email is considered as a great opportunity for the closure of Turkey's current account deficit. Although determining which countries to make e-export to is a difficult analysis, at this point, e-commerce sites that bring together export and import companies come into play at this point.
E-Export Offers Great Opportunities to Manufacturers
E-commerce for companies selling from firm to end user (B2C) and company to company (B2B) It is defined as the most practical way to gain new customers. Especially manufacturers who sell their products to different companies through intermediaries can meet the profitable side of e-export. While companies dreaming of selling their own products in international markets used to have the opportunity to introduce themselves only in international fairs, business trips and negotiations for a new market; By subscribing to e-commerce sites, it suddenly opens its eyes to the competitive environment in the market where the heart of exports beats. E-Export mobilization that eliminates the difficulties of accessing target markets and potential customers; It also prepares the necessary environment for producers who have not had the opportunity to export before, to take more decisive steps.
Transition to E-Commerce is a Must Now
As we always underlined; the internet is changing the whole world. Consumer habits, understanding of trade and needs are becoming compatible with the boundaries drawn by the internet. When the developments in digital marketing are added to this process, transition to e-commerce becomes a necessity for companies that want to survive rather than preferences.
If you want to get out of your shell, send your products to all over the world and earn high profits, do not miss the E-Export campaign! Follow the e-commerce trend and increase your international connections